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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: If you were looking for best overall return, how would you rank the following equities for the next two years: BEI.UN, DIV, DRX, GIB.A, HME, HMM.A, NVA. What would you suggest purchasing each at? How would you rank them for risk?
Read Answer Asked by David on June 24, 2024
Q: I am considering adding some real estate to my portfolio. I expect interest rates to remain relatively steady or drop slightly over the next two years. Do you think now is a good time to purchase a REIT or is there more potential downside as the interest rates on their debt resets higher as the debt matures? I am specifically looking at residential real estate companies. Of the above companies which one or two do you prefer and why? Is there a real estate sector you would prefer over residential?
Read Answer Asked by Wendyl on April 20, 2023
Q: How would you rank these. What would the rationale be for the ranking. Housing affordability seems to be a market issue as well as not enough supply. Are these all buys with the macro backdrop?
Read Answer Asked by Chris on January 20, 2023
Q: All above are my loosers,looks like reit is hammered badly,can STAG.N Be proxy for all this stocks REIYS WILL
Perhaps hurt more in December tax selling.
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on October 28, 2022
Q: What did you think of recent quarterly results?

Can you compare this stock on a valuation front with what ever metric you think is best for reits to Car and iip?

I have a decent sized position and thinking about adding more on the alberta re-rate /energy strength / cheap relative valuation / no rent control thesis.

Read Answer Asked by Scott on August 16, 2022
Q: REITs are getting pummeled today with some like BEI.UN, DIR.UN and HOM.UN down more that 6%. Any thoughts on why such a big downturn.
Read Answer Asked by Albert on May 03, 2022
Q: I would like to get 5iR thoughts on the following March 31, BEI.UN trading activity. BEI.UN high for the day was 59.11. At 3:49 PM the price was 59.00, volume 200. At 3:53 I bought 140 shares at 58.80. Between 3:53 & 3:59 the price varied between 58.78 & 58.87 with individuals volumes less than 1000. Then just before 4:00, 69,000 shares were sold & bought at 58.79.

So my question is, what is 5iR thoughts on why, just before the market closes, shares of BEI.UN previously trading at volumes less than 1,000 shares per trade, an investor sells 69,000 shares (much more than previous individual trades) at a price close to the day’s low. I know you can’t exactly know the sellers thinking, but do you have any thoughts on the seller’s strategy. (69,000 x 58.79 = $4,056,510) Thanks … Cal
Read Answer Asked by cal on April 01, 2022
Q: Would you please rank these 12 REITs for future growth prospects, where 10 is the best prospects & 1 the worst. Also would please indicate what REIT assets contribute to future growth & those REIT assets that have very little future growth. Thanks ... Cal
Read Answer Asked by cal on March 23, 2022
Q: Greetings.
1) Could Dream Industrials' expansion into Europe be a hindrance - given the Ukrainian situation?
2) Do you like DIR.UN at these levels?
3) If looking to buy a Canadian REIT - which sector would you recommend? Apartment, Industrials...? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Toge on March 03, 2022
Q: Hi 5i , I am interested in adding an REIT with focus on large warehouses and I wonder if there are any you would recommend? Also REIT ETF's interest me . Thank you for any input you have
Read Answer Asked by Jesse on November 23, 2021
Q: I own these 3 REITs in my RRSP. I have done extremely well on them and I have reduced my positions. Given that they are REITs and have recovered nicely from the Covid lows, I am debating exiting the positions completely since their upside potential has been reduced. They will never have explosive growth and since they are no longer depressed does it make sense to exit the positions and look for opportunities elsewhere where there is more upside. The dividends are not that large so I don't feel I am missing out from an income perspective.

Read Answer Asked by Jason on October 27, 2021
Q: Can you please give me your opinion on how you would rank these three companies and include some comments
on which you feel are at the best discount to NAV and would likely have better growth over the next 3 to 5 years along with any other pertinent information you feel is relevant.

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on September 30, 2021