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Investment Q&A

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Q: Hi,

I'm seeing more and more evidence for inflation being a real thing that is not yet formally accepted by US or CDN governments. Evidence is obvious increases in the price of some common items (food, lumber, metals, housing) and also an uptick in commentary on the subject by some trusted SA authors.

Can you provide some sectors that typically benefit from increases in inflation (Gold, Finance, etc) as well as some specific company plays that would benefit from increases (Can or US).


Read Answer Asked by Cameron on May 06, 2021
Q: Hello 5i Team
Comparing the top four companies in the the waste disposal business.
Ranking in terms of market capitalization (US$) is WM ($45.0B) , RSG ($27.1B), WCN ($26.9B) and GFL ($6.2B).
Ranking in terms of dividend yield is WM (2.04%) , RSG (1.90%), WCN (0.72 %) and GFL (0.20 %). All companies declare their dividends in US$ and WCN / GFL are eligible Canadian dividends.
The after tax yield on the US domiciled companies (WM and RSG) is higher than the Canadian domiciled companies (GFL and WCN).
1 - Overall, regardless of country domicile, please rank the companies in order of preference and why?
2 - Which is the better Canadian company WCN or GFL from a growth perspective as the yield is minimal?
3 - Any other companies that I should review?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on July 23, 2020