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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can you please list in order your top 5 Canadian and top 5 US stocks in order based on conviction? Please also list a management rating, 10 being the highest.
Time frame 5+ years
Read Answer Asked by Nick on June 03, 2024
Q: Which stock would have the most growth going forward- HPS.A, STN,TIH,TVK? Please rank them.

Thanks for your service
Read Answer Asked by Ozzie on June 03, 2024
Q: I have been eyeing these companies for some time now, regretting not pulling the trigger when first on my radar. I am now questioning the debt level of TVK; does this cause any concern on your part? As for Hammond Power, do you think there is any more room for gains, or has it pretty much hit the wall and is fairly valued?
Read Answer Asked by Colleen on May 30, 2024
Q: What would you consider good entry points for the noted stocks? Is there any you would not purchase at current levels?

Read Answer Asked by Timothy on May 23, 2024
Q: Hi, All these companies are on 5i's recommended list and have been added to Growth portfolio, in the recent past and have done well. Kudos to your Portfolio Team !!!

If the Balanced Portfolio had Cash available and room to add to Industrial/Material sector, which one/ones of these will qualify and be your choice ?

Also, if one owns all above companies, in small positions, in what order would you add, based on their respective valuations, presently and why ?

Thank You

Read Answer Asked by rajeev on May 23, 2024
Q: The stock market keeps on climbing ahead. At what point should we be careful due to valuation?
That being said, what are the top 5 Canadian and US stocks under current valuations?
Read Answer Asked by Ben on May 23, 2024
Q: What is the short list of companies traded on the tsx
/tsxv that benefit from support and growth of the electrical grid and power generation. With the push for heat pumps, EV's etc I see future growth in this sector with growing demand.
Read Answer Asked by Tim on May 23, 2024
Q: Can you provide a few aggressive names you like Can or US for a TFSA? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terry on May 23, 2024
Q: What 5-10 core stocks would you buy today in a new portfolio, in both CAD and USD.
Read Answer Asked by Merrilyn on May 21, 2024
Q: Given the current direction of the Canadian economy, my goal is to focus the majority of my investments in the US. According to Portfolio Analytics, currently 53% of my portfolio is US, 46% Canadian (the remainder being international). I believe my US holdings are significantly under-rated given the Canadian stocks I hold. I would appreciate ballpark figures regarding the US/international component of the following TSX listed stocks: WSP, TFII, BIPC, BEPC, BAM, BN, and HPS.A. This will enable me to get a better handle on what my actual US/international holdings are. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on May 21, 2024
Q: Please comment on its most recent Q. It is still held in the growth portfolio yet it has been in a down trend since early 2022 from almost $60 to a current price of around $36. Do you still have patience with this one? Is it a buy, sell or , hold? Is there another name you would consider as a replacement with better growth?
Read Answer Asked by John on May 17, 2024
Q: Hi 5i, Reviewing some of your Growth portfolio holdings (as well as SHOP) for adding to our TFSA's for 2024..
Of the above, could you please rank them for 3-5 yr purchase, with your reasoning for same.
Thanks for your input.
Read Answer Asked by Terrance on May 17, 2024
Q: Hello Peter and team

To complement my all ETFs portfolio : VEQT 40%, QQQ 10%, VGT 10%, MOAT 10%, I intend to add 6 of the above 7 stocks for 5% each.
Does it make sense, please feel free to substitute and suggest other stocks and explain why.
This is for a 10 years hold with minimum or no trading in this account.
Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Raoul on May 16, 2024
Q: In regards to some of the companies that have gotten whacked after releasing their numbers (like Uber, Shopify, Hammand ect), what are a couple names that you think look the most likely to dust themselves off and move higher from here? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Martin on May 14, 2024