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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I previously asked a question about deploying a lump sum of $100K to $200K. Can you suggest a handful of Companies that you think are the most attractive right now in terms of future growth?

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Jason on August 27, 2018
Q: I'm looking to add 3 new positions to my TFSA. Which 3 Stocks would you recommend.

Thanks Valter
Read Answer Asked by Valter on August 10, 2018
Q: For the following sectors, could you pls recommend stocks in order of preference and advise what you are basing your recommendation on:
Consumer Cyclicals
Consumer Non cyclicals
Deduct as many credits as you see fit and thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Margaret on August 07, 2018
Q: watching these two companies share price roll over - i see a comment on PBH about quarter coming and market worried, but isn't this more about heavy debt loads whose share prices have done extremely well and the ramifications of higher rates? PBH has $480M of debt! BYD $250M
Read Answer Asked by Chris on July 31, 2018
Q: I have a well diversified portfolio using a passive index strategy. I have the above stocks in my TFSA to boost the total portfolio return. Thanks to 5i that has worked well. My current TFSA holdings are listed and I am up at least 15% on the first 5 stocks listed and plus / minus 5% on the last 5 stocks listed. I am in my early 70's and feel I don't want to spend as much time on the TFSA investments. Can you give me up to 10 buy and forget growth names for the TFSA and if some of the listed stocks are included in your list then so much the better. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Richard on July 23, 2018
Q: Howdy!
I am slowly repositioning the Canadian equity portion of my RRSP portfolio to emulate your Balanced Equity Portfolio.
About 27% of my portfolio is sitting on cash right now; I do not yet own the listed companies - Are they all good to buy today? Or please rank them in order of value for purchase today versus perhaps holding off a quarter or two.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by David on July 04, 2018
Q: hi Peter can you recommend 3 Canadian companies that offer long term capital appreciation have reasonable debt levels and derive better than 50 percent revenues from US operations thanks Richard
Read Answer Asked by richard on June 21, 2018
Q: Good day 5i

For my TFSA I presently have a half position in BYD.UN. I just read your comments on PLC and it seems like a good addition to my account.

The usual dilemma ... I have the cash to invest so my decision is between them. Without regard to diversification, for an investor who is looking for growth more than dividend would you suggest to up the Boyd to a full position or introduce a half position in PLC?


Read Answer Asked by Peter on June 18, 2018
Q: Good morning
Could you name a few other companies that you cover that have management quality similar to CSU

Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Clarence on June 13, 2018
Q: It’s becoming increasingly clear Canada is facing challenges on many economic fronts from increasing regulatory burdens, inability to attract foerign capital and sub-national debt at the provincial level. Given that these, among many other, factors make Canada a questionable destination for investment, I’m wondering about your take on what this means going forward. Apart from an increased international focus, are there some Canadian companies doing business in Canada you feel can benefit from a potentially deteriorating economic scenario in Canada. I've recently taken a position in GSY and am considering DOL. Your thoughts on these and other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Warren on June 07, 2018
Q: I hold MAXR and show somewhat large losses on the holding. I bought before it changed its name from McDonald D.W. I now do not recall why I even bought it. Was it on one of the model portfolios in 2017? Until 2016-17 I had only US stocks. A US premium letter I subscribe to (New Constructs, who often use robo analytics) just listed MAXR as a stock that one may short--I don't short stocks. New Constructs put MAXR in their “Dangerous Model portfolio” in which they name stocks worth shorting. What do you advise? MAXR is however finally beginning to show some positive movement. Is that slow price climb up sustainable ? What are MAXR’s prospects and is it worth keeping? If you advise sell, what would you replace it with?
Read Answer Asked by Adam on June 07, 2018
Q: Looking to replace RME in my "manufacturing and Industrial" sector of my Income producing portfolio. I currently hold WSP, CSH.UN, NTR, CAE, ET, FTT, DIR.UN - can you provide some candidates I can take a look at ? Once again, I greatly appreciate your advice.
Read Answer Asked by JOHN on May 28, 2018