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Investment Q&A

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Q: I have a question about Boyd Group Income Fund
My question concerns the outlook for Boyd; the shares seem to be consolidating for the moment, possibly with negative implications given the rating and current market conditions.

Comparing Boyd to other issues, Carfinco has an apparantly unique strategy to support its prospects and Auto Canada appears to have just added a new sector to its business opportunities. Boyd`s prospects - its opportunity to add some new features to its strategy, it`s market share, the degree of fragmentation in the industry and the opportunities for consolidation - are however unknown. The `body shop` business is perhaps the quintessential mom and pop - at least pop - private venture and while I doubt that has much relevance to Boyd`s business I would doubt that the business metrics allow for extensive or expensive competitor acquisitions. So where does Boyd go from here and what is the scope. Mike
Read Answer Asked by Mike on May 05, 2012