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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5I Research
I own a small position in CTS at a loss and own HPS.A with a very nice gain. I would like to switch CTS to HMM.A , which one you think will be high in 5 years .
Read Answer Asked by claudio on March 07, 2024
Q: looking for small to midcap Ai stocks might be referred to as adaptors.
would CTS be considered?
Read Answer Asked by howard on February 27, 2024
Q: Hi there, can you add anything to the AI conversation regarding CTS?

How is CTS involved with AI or in supporting the use of AI using Nvidia product?

What is expected of CTS when it reports next week?

Is it fairly priced now based on preliminary numbers provided?

Are institutions and insiders now buying again?

How much stock has been purchased now by CTS to cancel, last year plus this year?

Read Answer Asked by Hussein on February 27, 2024
Q: Morning 5i,
I woke up to an unpleasant news release this morning, that being GXE announcing that its strategic review has come to an end with nothing - absolutely nothing - to show for it.
I've been holding a substantial number of GXE shares at a considerable loss, waiting for the review to conclude in the hope there would be news that would put me in a better position. However, just like the CTS strategic review debacle, it seems to have led nowhere., and quite possibly just further reduced shareholder value.
It appears that none of the producers out there with bags of cash think the GXE assets are worth adding to their stables, so how can they be worth much?
Is there any light in this tunnel and I just can't see it, or is GXE destined to languish at its current very low share price for a long time to come, (especially given the apparent likelihood that even $90 oil, if we ever see it again, is a long way off)?
Dump it and move on, or hold to see if there's any upside that the market identifies out of this colossal waste of time that I'm presently unable to discern?
Thanks 5i.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on February 06, 2024
Q: is there any upside at all to this company because exactly a year ago today well was at $3.85 per share and today it is at $3.72 per share. I have lost my patience with this company can you please suggest a better company that might have potential in the next year or 2 thank you
Read Answer Asked by wilson on February 05, 2024
Q: Hi, I'm still down about 57% in Nuvei and haven't realized much of any January bounce in CTS. I'm considering a consolidation of these two into my existing VRT stake . For a one year hold, could you give me your thoughts and how you would rank these three based on potential SP appreciation. Thanks.

Read Answer Asked by Bradley on January 30, 2024
Q: Overall, I prefer small and mid-cap Canadian stocks for growth and accept the risk that goes with this. Currently, I do not have anything in the tech space and would appreciate if you would suggest a few names.

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by John on January 09, 2024
Q: Looking to add 2-3 names of the above small caps to my TFSA this month.With the exception, of LMN and GLXY all are down substantially. Question. Which have the biggest up side in 2024, for a long term hold. Please rate them 1-8 with short comments for growth and safety,
Read Answer Asked by Henry on January 04, 2024
Q: What are your top 4-5 Canadian small cap stocks, that you have on your watchlist?
Read Answer Asked by Greg on December 08, 2023
Q: Looking at Canadian technology stocks. I'm going to assume you figure CSU and SHOP are the mainstays here, so I would like to know how you would rate the following 10 other Cdn technology stocks on a scale of 1-10, for a long term hold, with 10 being a stock you would absolutely want to have in a portfolio and 1 being something of no interest at all. CLS, CTS, DCBO, DSG, GIB.A, KXS, NVEI, OTEX, TCS, VHI. I have included very small company VHI because their recent Q3 looked quite good to me. Also, if there are 1 or 2 that look like very compelling buys at this time, could you indicate which ones please. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on December 06, 2023