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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am considering adding some real estate to my portfolio. I expect interest rates to remain relatively steady or drop slightly over the next two years. Do you think now is a good time to purchase a REIT or is there more potential downside as the interest rates on their debt resets higher as the debt matures? I am specifically looking at residential real estate companies. Of the above companies which one or two do you prefer and why? Is there a real estate sector you would prefer over residential?
Read Answer Asked by Wendyl on April 20, 2023
Q: Saw Andrew Moffs on BNN Monday discussing REITs and Real Estate companies. Looking for a 2nd opinion on these 8. Maybe just a ranking from 1 to 8 in order of preference for a long term hold. Yield doesn't matter, looking for best total return. Which ones look buyable at this time?
Read Answer Asked by Dan on January 31, 2023
Q: Would you buy any Cdn REITs at this point...and if yes, what 3 (and in what order) would you buy at current prices.? Thank you as always for your great insight.
Read Answer Asked by Doug on January 26, 2023
Q: What are some REITS that aren't in the heavily leveraged area ?
Read Answer Asked by terrance on January 04, 2023
Q: I currently have holdings in the above-noted companies inside my TFSA and am intending to add to one or more of the positions. I understand that they are very different entities, but how you would rank them in terms of general quality and upside? Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on December 19, 2022
Q: I am intending to take a small position in one of these 2 companies. Security of capital and long term growth are the mainstays of my investing objectives. Current distributions or dividends are of no particular importance, except to the extent they contribute to the objectives. Which company would you choose, and why? Thank you for your excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Leonard on December 12, 2022
Q: I like theses 3 reits. Is there 1 you would you would prefer to hold in a non registered account for more tax efficient distributions
Thanks Terry
Read Answer Asked by Terry on December 07, 2022
Q: What are your 3 best ideas for REITS Med to Long Term {US/CAN}.
Read Answer Asked by Valter on November 25, 2022
Q: Hi 5i, looking for help taming the RIETs part of my portfolio as i own all of the above. Can you help me with selling some REITs (anything I've doubled up on or is not the best choice). I am planning on redistributing the funds to the remaining REITs. As usual your help is appreciated, if you could rank them also that would be great.
Read Answer Asked by Mark on November 10, 2022
Q: All above are my loosers,looks like reit is hammered badly,can STAG.N Be proxy for all this stocks REIYS WILL
Perhaps hurt more in December tax selling.
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on October 28, 2022
Q: I have never owned a REIT but started looking at a couple. In doing so I realized that I really don’t know what to evaluate in a REIT (beyond type of asset - land, commercial, residential, specialty) and things I normally see as red flags may not be here. Can you tell me a few of the most important fundamentals to look at when comparing REITS (negatives to watch out for specifically, and positive indicators). For example my initial concerns were steady increases on common shares outstanding (seems acceptable and typical of all REITS) and what debt levels are acceptable. If you could tag your favourite REITS today I would appreciate. I have only looked at LAND and IIPR so far.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on August 30, 2022
Q: I had inadvertently marked the following question 'private' and am now sharing it, along with your response. I also have a follow up question: please rate ENB and AQN on a scale of 1-10 for both growth and safety over the next couple of years. Thank you.

Wanting to dip my toe back into the market with a 2.6% total portfolio investment. My goal is to purchase stock in a Canadian company with a dividend >2%, that is anticipated to experience strong growth in the next 2 years and is not particularly volatile. Please rank the following on a scale of 1-10 for both growth and safety: MG, SLF, TCN, LNF, and IIP.UN. Other than GSY, X, BEP and BIP (already held) are there any other Canadian companies you would recommend that would meet my criteria? Thank you.

Asked by Maureen on August 17, 2022
For growth: MG 6; SLF 4; TCN 7; LNF 5; IIP.UN 4

For safety: MG 7, SLF 8, TCN 4, LNF 6, IIP.UN 7

We might add ENB, AQN, X to this list.

Read Answer Asked by Maureen on August 18, 2022
Q: What did you think of recent quarterly results?

Can you compare this stock on a valuation front with what ever metric you think is best for reits to Car and iip?

I have a decent sized position and thinking about adding more on the alberta re-rate /energy strength / cheap relative valuation / no rent control thesis.

Read Answer Asked by Scott on August 16, 2022
Q: After reading your report on InterRent REIT, I'm looking into it further. I currently hold NWH but am looking for more growth in both the distribution and unit price (NWH hasn't increased the distribution in a long time, and the unit price hasn't grown that much).

I see that all of InterRent's 2021 distribution was ROC so all tax-deferred. Is this expected to continue? If so, that's a great benefit as I'm holding in a taxable account.
Read Answer Asked by Patrick on July 26, 2022
Q: Hi, for higher income and safety of distribution could you please list 4 or 5 attractive REITS. Growth is not a concern, just income and relative security. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Gary on July 22, 2022