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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I'm intrigued by these new slightly leveraged ETF's HCAL and HDIV . HDIV has only been around for a few months but HCAL has a year under it's belt going from $15 to $23 . Could 5I give me the percentage of return for each in that time period of HCAL, ZWB, and ZEB { dividend plus capital gain } ? So I can do a little comparing ....And would it be safe to assume any deviation would indicate the effect of the leverage used ? And can I assume that the construction of HDIV { I'm a sucker for high yield } will react similarly ? I am considering what for me would be large positions { 5%-7% } as part of the relatively safe equity income part of my portfolio ? Would you endorse my thesis that they are relatively safe among their unleveraged peers ?
Read Answer Asked by Garth on October 06, 2021