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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: From a global perspective would you favor European, US or international stocks/EFTs to invest at this time ? I would like to diversify my portfolio a little better and therefore sell some Canadian ETFs and purchase European, US and international ETFs .
Thank you . Miroslaw
Read Answer Asked by Miroslaw on August 18, 2023
Q: Hi there, do you have a view on any specific emerging markets (eg single countries) that are particularly investable right now? Ideally accessible via a targeted ETF. Thanks as always!
Read Answer Asked by Chris on August 14, 2023
Q: Hello,

Can you suggest several specific companies and/or ETF's to gain exposure to both the Indian economy as well as that of countries like Vietnam?
Read Answer Asked by Tim on June 15, 2023
Q: What ETF's do you recommend for dividends and growth for:
1. Canadian coverage
2. US coverage but in $CAD.
3. Europe coverage but in $CAD
4. Asia coverage but in $CAD
Read Answer Asked by Ron on June 05, 2023
Q: Currently down significantly on these names, especially SHOP

Please confirm whether all are “keep-able” in a long-term (10yrs+) balanced portfolio.

Would you add to any at current valuations, and which one(s)?
Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Trevor on May 02, 2023
Q: Hi...I am trying to decide between a growth ex-North America International ETF and a growth Emerging Market ETF. Would have have 2-3 suggestions for each and why I would choose one over the other?
Read Answer Asked by Maxine on February 27, 2023
Q: Please recommend four industrial sector EFTs, one for each of Canada, USA, International, & emergent market, to invest with an about equal good balance of growth and dividends, for say 5 years and up.
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Roger on January 20, 2023
Q: Happy Holidays!! Two part question - What are your thoughts on index funds, I don’t think I see any in your portfolios.

I read some commentary sometimes how some “professional investors” say they are better than stocks, for as the stock market goes up the index funds will too, but stocks don’t always rise when the market does. I do see the counter argument there too.

And assuming you’re not opposed to them, you which ones would you recommend?

Please take 2-3 credits, as that was a long question.


Read Answer Asked by Cam on January 06, 2023
Q: Further to your response to Tom on Dec. 5th, could you recommend several ETFs that would be quality choices to represent emerging markets, healthcare and tech that would result in less overall volatility than purchasing individual stocks? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Tara on December 13, 2022
Q: Hi! Doing some cleaning up and wondering if these are buy, sell, or hold. In reference to Shane's comments I also agree that it wasn't too long ago that so many advisors were recommending growth stocks at lofty prices. Having always been a more of a value investor I dipped my toes, but am feeling like I'd be too scared to ever enter any kind of a growth stock again. I know if interest rates peak you feel these can do well again but only time will tell and many investors have lost lots of money on the high growth names like in Cathy Wood's funds. Happy to hold any of these names if there could ever be a turn around. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Neil on November 09, 2022
Q: I am currently in a loss position with ZEM. Would Revenue Canada allow me to claim a capital loss if I sold ZEM and immediately bought VEE?

What are the rules as to how Revenue Canada determines whether a new investment is sufficiently different to allow a capital loss?

Thank you for this wonderful service and the excellent advice.
Read Answer Asked by Dale on October 13, 2022
Q: I have noticed that VEE outperforms ZEM both ytd and over 5 years. Do you anticipate that VEE will continue to outperform going forward? For a taxable account, which of these two ETFs do you recommend for a long term investment?

Thank you for all of your excellent advice.
Read Answer Asked by Dale on October 07, 2022
Q: Hello 5i,

With the rise in the USD and decline in Asian and European stocks and ETF's, is this a good time to purchase ETF's for those zones with the anticipation that the ETF's will increase if the usd declines in value in the next 2-3 years?

If so, can you recommend one ETF for each zone for the cdn and us exchanges?

Thank you.
Debbie and Jerry
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on August 17, 2022
Q: What specific ETFs suggestions would make a diversified portfolio
Read Answer Asked by Nick on August 02, 2022
Q: Now past 30 day tax loss period on the above securities previously sold. Was going to buy back to original weights.
1. buy back now
2. average in over next few months with some of these
3. replace some of these with other securities you might like better
Read Answer Asked by Peter on July 29, 2022