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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5I, I would appreciate your opinion of eit.un and rbn.un, is the div safe, would you recommend buying. Also, which of the oil stocks above would you recommend buying, perhaps you can suggest a better one with paying dividend. Many thanks, J.A.P. Burlington
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on December 16, 2016
Bought 2000 bte @ 4.00 i think id like to sell and replace it with one or two other cos. with better prospects. my other oil holding 3% are wcp
hwo . i been whatcing rrx but it doesnt move a little help please
thxs. and MC
Read Answer Asked by bob on December 13, 2016
Q: My longest holding (20 yrs) is FRU which I have sold down over the good years, but still held some through lots of up and downs. I have held VET but eventually sold after its big run up in 2014. I am thinking of switching my remaining (and only O&G stock) FRU for VET. I invest for income, preferably with some growth prospect. However, I believe there is a possibility of CN (I think) taking FRU private and would be disappointed to miss out on the usual take over premium. Your thought would be appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by David on October 13, 2016
Q: Hey 5i team, this is my first question here. I have recently finished school, and have opened a TFSA. I am looking to start a portfolio, and am willing to hold investments for up to five years. I was looking into the energy sector, and like CPG, and CVE (for growth potential), and VET (for their dividend). Would you recommend one over the other (or anything else), or would you recommend averaging between the three?
Read Answer Asked by Mark on September 09, 2016
Q: I have a 3.5% position in CPG, and I have a 1% position in TOU and a 2.5% position in VET. My overall exposure to energy is around 12%. I am not looking to decrease my energy exposure, but I am considering consolidating my position into fewer names. Would you consider a transition from CPG to either TOU or VET to be a sound move, and if so, which would you choose? VET offers a better dividend, but TOU is better positioned to take advantage of a rise in natural gas, which seems like a real possibility over the next 3-6 months. Thanks so much!
Read Answer Asked by Domenic on September 06, 2016
Q: Hello Peter,
Mr. Seymour Schulich, continues to increase his holdings in Birchcliff Energy. Do you see this as a good sign to enter the name? It has risen quite a bit so am a bit reluctant. Do you still like Gold standard ventures and lastly would you consider Vermilion energy as a conservative play on energy? My concern is that it dropped quite a bit from a few years ago and is recovering very slowly. At the current rate, can you see the stock doubling in atleast 5 years. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by umedali on July 18, 2016
Q: I have owned both companies for a couple of years and am down about 50% on SGY and 80% BTE. Combined, they are less than 5% of my portfolio. My question is whether I should just ride these out and wait (hope) for higher oil prices with these names or is it wiser to sell and replace them with a "better" name. I am thinking of VET, partially because of the dividend. I can't decide if the better strategy is to stay with my current holdings as I think they could provide more potential growth or if the risk is too high for their continued existence and a switch to a more stable company is warranted. I would like to keep whatever money this represents in energy.

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on July 15, 2016
Q: I hold TOU, ALA, KEY. Down 18%, 24% and 13% respectively. This is all my direct oil/natural gas exposure which represents 17% of my entire portfolio.
I have 10+ years investment horizon for these stocks. These stocks fluctuate a lot which I don't mind but I dislike being underwater for a prolong period of time.

Should I stick with these names or should I make a switch to other oil companies like VET? If yes what names would you suggest and how should I divide the investment % wise? Which stock(s) to sell and which one to keep? Switch now or later?

The goal of the switch is to position myself for eventual(I believe) oil recovery.

Appreciate your insight.
Read Answer Asked by JR on June 15, 2016
Q: I am a retired, conservative, dividend-income investor with a pension, CPP, annuities and hold the following securities (AD, AQN, ALA, BCE, BNS, CPG, CGX, ECI, FTS, PBH, RY, WCP, WEF, WSP, ZLB, XIT, RBC Cdn Equity Inc, Sentry Cdn Inc, Sentry REIT, and Fisgard Capital).

I plan to sell CPG and capture a capital loss, while at the same time put some or all of the proceeds towards another energy name, thereby increasing my dividend income. I have filtered the following names, using P/BV, D/CF, Beta, Div Yield => CJ, FRU, VET (I already own WCP, ALA, TRP).

Which do you see as a good fit with my other holdings? I am leaning towards CJ (more torque) or VET (due to the larger size). Are both of their respective dividend "safe"?

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on May 30, 2016