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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Today Gigi asked you a question:
watched---active Inc. (AMZN)
watched---active Boyd Group Income Fund (BYD.UN)
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Q: What would be your top 3 picks as of today to invest in for a 5 year timeframe. Assuming a diversified portfolio already exists.

Asked by Gigi on May 23, 2019

your answer was:BYD.UN, TEAM and AMZN but on top of her question you display
AMZN, BYD.UN,& AYX . Which answer is proper the one with TEAM or one with AYX and what is order of preference .
Read Answer Asked by Andrzej on May 23, 2019
Q: You have 10K US to invest. Which two US stocks would you invest in today? and why? (~10 yr period).....The trade war in the US is making stocks unstable, in my mind this is temporary until they get things figured out...Do you see US stocks continuing to fall over this trade issue or level out as everyone figures out the sky is not falling? I know this will be just a speculation but I like your take on world events! Thanks Guys I appreciate everything you do daily!!!
Read Answer Asked by Brad on May 21, 2019
Q: Please comment on the impact of recent US China tariff & Huawei development on these stocks. Which will suffer long term adverse effect ? Most come down a lot on May 20. Thanks a lot.
Read Answer Asked by Lai Kuen on May 21, 2019
Q: Good morning,

If you had to keep 3 of the 6 listed companies, which ones would you choose. The goal is for pure growth over next 10 years assuming all companies continue to grow and execute on their existing business and outlooks etc. No sector concerns but I want to keep 1 Canadian and 2 US companies. Thank you for the continued advice!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on May 17, 2019
Q: Hi Peter
I'v god skier when CITRON published bad news about Shopify on 4th.April and I have sold all my SHOP same day. It was bad decision & I regret it. Now I have 130K to invest and I'm thinking to invest in all above stocks. All of the stocks accept for SIS & KXS are on their top and this skiers mi. Which one would you go as a first to invest and which one would you wait for better opportunity.
Read Answer Asked by Andrzej on May 06, 2019
Q: Hi team,

Can I get your thoughts on Workiva (WK)?
(I did a search prior to submitting but could not find any questions asked on this company).
From your Companies page, most of their Profitability Ratios are negative, they have a 3 year/5 year growth of 16% and 18% resp. Their ROE is 385%... which got my attention.
How do they stack up to their peers in the same industry (cloud computing)?
Assuming a well diversified portfolio, would this be a good initial buy at a 1/2 position?
Their 3 month, 52 weeks and YTD has had impressive % gains so it seems like momentum is on their side here.
From their last reporting period, forward guidance seemed quite positive.

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on April 12, 2019
Q: Looking to purchase a position in something (sector or weight not important) with good growth potential over 2-5 years looking for both US and CDN opportunities. Two names popped up recently on my radar TRQ and Chemtrade . Realize that both are completely different and would like your opinion on both and recommendations of 3-4 alternatives. Feel free to deduct credits as required.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on March 15, 2019
Q: Hi team,

As you know from my questions, I like tech and am a growth investor. I do own some lower beta non-tech stocks as a counter-balance; I just don’t ask a lot of questions on them. The cloud is working these days, with a few normal hiccups. I follow a ton of stocks in the space, so I will ask about five (down from ten) that were bid very high going into earnings, that is, TEAM, TTD, SPLK, AYX, WDAY. Earnings and guidance, as far as I can recall were great, yet the stocks sold off. I attribute it to normal profit taking after big run-ups. I own TTD and TEAM. I owned WDAY in the past, but sold it prematurely. I am a bit shocked and impressed today how AYX shot up about 5% when the market had an awful day. I could see no news on that on the websites I check. Any reason for that? How would you rank these five for growth prospects over the next several years and are there any red flags or undue risks for any so that you would avoid that company?

Thanks again,
Read Answer Asked by Dave on March 08, 2019