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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: HI 5i,

Concerning American banking system, rumors are that under the Trump governance, some banks have gone back to the same financial strategies as before the financial crisis of 2008. I do have those 3 American bank in my retirement portfolio. Should I get a ride of those and, if the answer is yes, any suggestion for replacement.

Thanks you
Read Answer Asked by Claude on October 01, 2018
Q: Hello Peter and Ryan,
I was thinking of putting money in CME, SQ, GS, GMP (toronto), XAU(toronto), and MOGO(toronto) as a means of getting myself started on investing in bitcoin. Any comments? Lastly, when a company like CMED is reluctant for a takeover, does this normally imply the company is looking for more money on the table or feels it can do it on its own? I know that is a speculative question but in general as it seems CMED is not backing down. Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on December 11, 2017
Q: Hi Peter and Team,
I recently read an article on bitcoin. In this article, the author identifies a number of companies as equity proxies for bitcoin. Square (SQ), Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and Goldman Sachs Group (GS) are 3 of the companies mentioned in this article.
Would you please enlighten me on the connection between the 3 above-mentioned companies and bitcoin. Your comments, as always, would be much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Harry on December 11, 2017
Q: Would you sell if you held it and replace it with Goldman Sachs instead? OR would you keep USB (assuming your allocation allowed) and simply ADD Goldman? I’d appreciate some SUBSTANTIVE reasoning , would really apreciate that. Many thanks.

(PS: I reviewed your previous comments on Goldman Sachs and was baffled by your responses. Goldman a target for takeover given anti-trust rules & regs? And: Goldman I could not see where made the acquisitionist you referred to; nor does Goldman pay the dividend amounts you mentioned. Nevertheless , I defer to your expertise)
I have a question about 854
Read Answer Asked by Adam on July 26, 2017
Q: Hi 5i Team!
GS has dropped below its 52 week high and is off its 52 week high by more than 25%. Is there any fundamental reason for this?
The dividend is good, is raised regularly and it also pays special dividends.
My wild guess is that there was takeover speculation that hasn't panned out but I thought that was an old story.
Any information and advice on whether to buy, sell or hold would be appreciated. My entry price was $22.50 (TFSA acct). Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Heather on January 13, 2015