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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Please comment on Inter Pipe quarterly results. Also, it has been 3 months since your blog piece on the Canadian pipeline companies. In light of the most recent quarterly results and guidance from the companies please indicate how your investment summary for these companies may differ from your view in August. Do any of the players look stronger/weaker in light of recent information?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on November 10, 2017
Q: I have owned these stock in substantial amounts for approx 3 years. I like the dividends. Last Jan/Feb they peaked at approx the same value oil is today.
Today oils up but as a group they are down. Am I crazy to think these companies are going to rebound even to levels of early 2017?
Is there an explanation for these stock prices? The dividends are attractive enough to keep me in - but better stock valuations seem elusive.
Read Answer Asked by David on November 02, 2017
Q: Hi 5i Team.

The only pipeline company I own is IPL. I have been looking at ENB for a while but can't make myself pull the trigger yet. One of the reasons I originally chose IPL instead was that it had (and still has) a much lower P/E ratio, reflecting much lower growth expectations. ENB currently sits at a P/E of roughly 35 which makes no sense to me. Do you think part of the reason for the price decline over the summer is due to investors reassessing growth (multiple compression) or am I over-emphasizing P/E when looking at pipeline companies?

Can you recommend a template that I can use to determine sector allocations? Should allocations be within a particular account or for my entire portfolio?

Read Answer Asked by Peter on November 02, 2017
Q: Buy. or Hold. or Sell

Much appreciated. RAM
Read Answer Asked by Ray on November 01, 2017
Q: I'm pushing 85 yrs and invest for dividend income. Since the first of the month we have seen steady drops in the pipelines, with ENB being far the worst, and both TRP and PPL also big losers. Time to change, or hold on and wait it out? - Thanks, Ted
Read Answer Asked by Edward on October 26, 2017
Q: Looking down the road, I am uneasy about oil and gas, including pipelines, and I am wondering whether I should plan on easing out most of my investment in this sector over the next 5 years.

Am I being unduly pessimistic?

Can you recommend a good resource to help me become more knowledgeable on this sector?
Read Answer Asked by Carl on October 23, 2017
Q: Hi there

Really appreciate what you guys do! I am a bit overweight to oil infrastructure and maybe Alberta centred companies. Do you think that given the oil majors seem to be selling their oil sand assets that is a sign that the future does not look too rosy in regard o more projects and more oil output in the oil sands going forward? A 2nd question: I hold equal weights of Inter Pipeline and Gibson energy and was going to sell one of these to reduce my oily assets. Looking at a 2 year time frame which stock would you keep?


Read Answer Asked by Stuart on October 06, 2017
Q: I have two unrelated questions. In a $3 million portfolio, I have about 100 holdings, which I would like to greatly reduce. I have ENB, ENF, IPL, PPL, and TRP. I would like to reduce the number to one or two of those names. My interest is capital gains and a good dividend. Which pipeline company will give me the best capital gains and divide over the next five years?

The second question relates to REAL. I bought the new issue at $ 13 and the present price is only $10.62. Should I sell and repurchase in 30 days or just sell the stock. What is the future outlook and the next reporting date?
Read Answer Asked by George on October 02, 2017
Q: Hi,

After having been burned regularly by buying oil gas stocks in the last few years - despite being assured prices are on the verge of recovery - I am reticent. I am interested in pipeline stocks because they seem less volatile, have good dividends, and some have been hit hard (Enbridge), can you answer this?
1) what do you think of pipelines in the next couple years? is there a better alternative for some growth and generous dividend?
2) buy now or wait for 5% position
3) what would be your top and second pick?
Read Answer Asked by Graeme on September 12, 2017
Q: I have been a holder of Valener (VNR) for the past couple of years and during that time have enjoyed a nice yield as well as some modest capital gains.
I am now thinking of switching to Inter Pipeline (IPL) to take advantage of what I consider to be a temporary mispricing by the market.
What do you think of this strategy ?
Read Answer Asked by Richard on September 01, 2017
Q: I am considering moving IPL out of my TFSA account and replacing it with either ZCL or ZZZ. At present I do not have any other energy related stocks in my TFSA but, I do have 3 consumer stocks, ADW.A,ECI & TOY. Your opinion please.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on August 28, 2017
Q: I am beginning to think that the market is starting to factor in a permanent reset (downward) in the evaluation of all things to do with the oil industry - service cos, drillers, e&p, integrated, midstream and pipelines.

The 2 basic elements of economics seem to be working against oil. SUPPLY is in excess with easy access shale. DEMAND is poised to fall with the sooner than expected arrival of affordable electric cars. Shell Oil expects peak demand for oil is a decade away. Prices will reflect this reality long before then.

Do you believe this to be true. Is it time to wean off oil stocks. Is this why IPL is yielding 7%?


Read Answer Asked by Derek on August 21, 2017