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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: In many of your recent answers as well as your report, you mention "interest rate decreases" and that they could help stocks like Telus and BCE, TD and BNS. I am wondering how much of a decrease this would have to be, as I am reading many articles that suggest we are in an aura of higher for longer, and interest rates will not be going back to the ultra low rates we have seen in prior years. So my question is, in your opinion, what percentage decrease would we have to see before there would be some sustainable upside movement to these stocks? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Pat on July 05, 2024
Q: We own Emera, BCE and Telus in a dividend portfolio and notes these three stocks were down today by around 3 percent. Should we be concerned holding any of these three over the next three years primarily for dividend income? Are their dividends safe and valuations reasonable to hold and/or accumulate?
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on July 03, 2024
Q: In a recent question from Michael, regarding the Communication Services sector, 5i responded by stating “we think investors are better off without having too much capital invested in these fields”. I agree that owning BCE and T lately, especially for long-term holders, has been very frustrating to say the least.

For our combined portfolio, Portfolio Analytics indicates that our holdings in this sector have dropped to 5.9% (understandably) but PA still suggests a weight of 7% in this sector.

Two questions: (1) In light of sector weakness, which will probably continue for some time, what would be your suggested Communication Services sector weight? (2) Would you endorse some tax-loss selling of BCE and/or T but put the proceeds into another more promising sector?

Thanks as always for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on June 27, 2024
Q: Hi,
Comparing Telus, BCE and Rogers to AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile over the last year, the US companies seem to be outperforming (granted this is a short timeframe and others in the US top five: Comcast and Charter Communications aren't doing well either).

I was wondering if you have any thoughts about why the top three in the US are doing so much better lately than the top three in Canada. (Take credits as needed please.)

Thank you, Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 24, 2024
Q: Good afternoon,

I know there has been much angst here with Telus. And your responses in recent months have been very well thought out and helpful (rates; competitive/regulatory environment). I have a 2% weight in BCE, 1% weight in T. So not massive by any means. But the slow steady drip downwards in price is getting frustrating, and now seeing the price today lower than where it was in the depths of COVID in March 2020 is concerning. At what point do I just take the 1% in T and add to BCE?
Read Answer Asked by Trevor on June 19, 2024
Q: I was watching an interview with David Rosenberg and Ed Devland. They were stating that the Canadian interest rates are going to have to be cut several times due to economic conditions. Can you recommend investment strategies to benefit from this . For example bonds going up in value because of the inverse relationship of interest rates and bond values. What bond etf's ect. Can you give US recommendations also, as it sounds like the Us will be later than Canada.

Read Answer Asked by Brian on June 12, 2024
Q: What is your opinion of Rogers Comm. today. How have they performed compared to the other Cdn. telcos. Is their future any different then BCE/Telus?
Would it effect their performance if they divested of their sports teams. Are the teams a distraction? or do they add to the bottom line. My opinion is they should concentrate on the telco business.
Read Answer Asked by Reg on June 11, 2024
Q: Hello. I'm a bit concerned about the payout ratios of BCE and Telus. Telus has an even higher payout ratio than BCE, and I'm wondering what their prospects look like for the next few years. Will they be able to keep up these high dividends? Is there a chance they might cut their dividends? My question is, should we reduce our exposure to these telecom stocks and reinvest in other areas? Your insight would be really helpful. Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Esther on June 10, 2024
Q: to start a new position in telcom today.

assuming same dividend growth average of the last five years for each company and asssuming it is maintained moving forward,

how long would it take for the dividend of telus to catch up to BCE when they are starting as far apart as they are currently ?

Which of the two do you prefer for a long term hold and why ?
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on June 05, 2024
Q: It seems that the telco sector will faced with challenges for the foreseeable future with price pressures on fees (I see it on my own bills) and likely not being able to recover for quite sometime. It was easier to sell the position on the non registered account and take advantage of the tax loss. I have kept my positions in the registered accounts for the dividend but am now wondering if perhaps a sell would be make sense and what to replace them with. Any ideas with some dividend and a little bit of growth?
Much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Francisco on May 23, 2024
Q: I never thought I would be contemplating whether or not to continue to hold these “sleep at night stocks” but here we are. I have no doubt they will recover but in what timeframe? I am particularly concerned about TD. I believe regulators are going to set an example. I am 75 years old and time is at a premium. Please give me some guidance.


Read Answer Asked by Carl on May 22, 2024