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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: As a newer subscriber to 5i, i am interested in purchasing your BE portfolio. The above names have had huge run ups and I don't know how to approach them. Which ones are buyable at these levels?
Of the ones you deem buyable, can you comment, for each, as to whether a half position or full position should be taken.
And can you rank these in terms in terms of your preferences at current levels?

Thank you for your excellent service, as always.

Read Answer Asked by Karim on November 03, 2016
Q: My question is sort of on CXI. I use to get online quotes and noticed that there are a few different quotes for (I think) different exchanges. Usually these different exchanges only differ by a few cents, but for CXI today, the difference was quite significant. My question is what are the exchanges (TSX, Chi-X, CX2, Omega, TriAct) and why is the price so different? Is there an arbitrage opportunity?
Read Answer Asked by Mike on November 01, 2016
Q: Looking for financial sector allocation suggestions as replacement for HCG/mortgage sector. Already have positions in EFN/ECN/CXI/BNS/SLF...any suggestions? or okay with going to 20% on tech vs current 15% 35 years old, money is all in registered accounts, little debt, and no need for money in next 10-20 years
Read Answer Asked by John on October 07, 2016
Q: I would like to make my TFSA more growthy. The candidates I have in my TFSA that I am considering replacing with more growthy names are: TD, IPL and WCP. I own these in a non-registered account as well, but since I can’t take advantage of the dividend tax credit in the TFSA I would like to replace them.

The growthy names I have in my TFSA are DHX.B, ESL, and GUD. I think I have enough of these, so I am looking for other suggestions from your growth and model portfolio. I am considering, CXI, TOY, PBH, ZCL (maybe KXS if it pulls back to the mid-50s). I already own SIS, NFI, OTC, CSU in a non-registered account and think I have enough for now.

What growthy (but not overly risky) stocks would you suggest for a TFSA today for a long term hold?

p.s. I have already maxed out my TFSA contributions. With some cash in the TFSA and the sale of shares I may not have enough $ in the TFSA to buy a full lot(s) of the replacement (e.g sell 100 shares of TD @ $58, buy 200 shares of TOY @ $31.50). I would rather not buy an odd lot (e.g 184 shares of TOY) because I don’t have enough cash in the TFSA, and I can’t add any more $ to the TFSA until next year. Should I wait until I can buy the full lot (i.e. the price falls, or I get dividends to increase cash), wait until January when I can add another $5500 to the TFSA, or find another stock where I can buy full lot(s). What is your opinion on buying odd lots, especially with low volume stocks like TOY and CXI?
Read Answer Asked by Paul on October 06, 2016
Q: Hi there, as a follow up to your response regarding SCB, would today's news regarding CXI license also be positive for SCB? Maybe that's why SCB has been moving up as of late, as pending license's are going to be approved finally! Reading between the lines, people in the know may be positioning themselves! Your take would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Hussein on September 20, 2016
Q: Hello 5i team,
I am currently up 48% on CXI and am contemplating switching to Savaria (SIS). This would be within my TFSA. I am overweight financials (as most Canadians probably are..) and currently underweight industrials.
Would you endorse such a move; are there any "red flags" you would see to such a switch? Any thoughts or comments would be much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on June 09, 2016
Q: I have reviewed the performance ratios for CXI and find that its operating margin and net margin is not just robust but three to five times greater than its peers, and its ROC about twice other comparables. In other words it appears to be pumping out cash miore or less in line with the cost of visiting one of their kiosks. Should that run in due course to a hefty dividend or are there other potential avenues for what looks to be a very robust income stream???
Read Answer Asked by Mike on June 01, 2016
Q: I could only find a limited number of questions on this company so my apologies if this question has been asked.

The catalyst to move the price of this company appears to be its obtaining a bank license. Assuming that license is awarded, what kind of impact do you expect it to have on the share value? I know you don't engange in target pricing but is this an absolute game changer for the company and one that you would expect to have a significant impact on share price or should we view it more as another building block for the firm where the impact on valuation will be more muted?

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on May 24, 2016
Q: CXI is pretty quiet these days. Have they ever given any indication regarding the status of their bank application? Have they indicated any type of time frame for such a process? Is a change in government typically an obstruction to these types of applications? I never viewed it as a politically sensitive issue.
Thanks for your valued advice
Read Answer Asked by Clarence on May 24, 2016