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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: What is your opinion of Netcoins? I wasted some $ with Coinbase, but they are awful. Cannot see a Dashboard with holdings, transaction, etc. and no one replies by Chat, Email or Cell.
Thanks! Austin
Read Answer Asked by Austin on February 10, 2021
Q: Can you enlighten me on Bitcoin.
I was under the impression that it was illegal in the United States to use any form of Money for the purchase of goods, other than dollars issued by the Federal Reserve.
Thanks Gord

Read Answer Asked by Gordon on February 10, 2021
Q: I took a position in BLOK:US on the recommendation of a contributor to your Canadian Money Magaine (BTW I give each of my three children a subscription for Christmas becasue it is simply the best financial advice product anywhere). The thesis of the nvestment was to participate in AI for the future. I put it away as a long term investment. BLOK has been showing extraordianary growth lately. I'm not sure why? Is there a specific reason? Is it a long term hold or a sell opportunity? David
Read Answer Asked by David on February 09, 2021
Q: Your thoughts on ethereum. Is it likely to explode like Bitcoin. Would you invest on a speculative basis? How can one buy and sell it. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Charles on February 09, 2021
Q: In your last weekly update there was an article that talked about a potential fraud in Bitcoin trading. The fraud is with trading platforms that use Tethers. Can you please give me your comments on this article? Is it possible that Tethers used in trading bitcoin do not have the value that Tether claims? Any and all comments are welcome.
cheers, Darcy
Read Answer Asked by Darcy on February 05, 2021
Q: AVL has been doing extremely well recently and I’d like to know if you think its performance is likely to continue, and what you think about it in general. As of Feb 3rd, it’s 20 cents a share. Do you see it ever getting near its 2011 peak of $9 again?

Also wondering if you could comment briefly on the outlook for CIT, a financial name in the USA. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on February 05, 2021