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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I own ENB.PR.N and it comes due to reset about the end of this year. I’m down about $4.00 and am wondering what is the prudent thing to do? The reset by my calculation would be similar to the interest I’m receiving now. Is there any advantage to selling or should I keep it at the new rate for the next 5 years and hope for an improvement? I dont imagine it will be called.
Thanks for your input on my problem.

I get a lot from your Q and A. They have given me good guidance through the years.

Read Answer Asked by John on June 11, 2018
Q: I have a large holding of WFS.PR.A. I have done reasonably well on it, with 5.25% return on capital distribution and a stable price, it was much better than any other fixed income I held.
Here is my dilemma, I have to either redeem it now or hold until 2025. Expecting interest rate to go up, I am not sure it will hold its value. My thinking is to redeem it now and perhaps buy it later at a lower price, or just move to other investment. I know this decision is mine, but I highly value your opinion on what you think my best option would be.

Read Answer Asked by Saad on June 08, 2018
Q: I must have made a typing error in my original email it is series 15 would you exchange this for shares of E SPLIT plse feel free to deduct another question
Read Answer Asked by Marcel on June 06, 2018
Q: Hi,
Just noticed that TH has issued a Treasury Offering of Convertible Unsecured Senior Notes. The size of the issue is US $ 50 million, par value $100.00. They are 5 Yr cd's witha coupon of 5.75% and a converstion price of US $ 14.75 (equivalent to about Cdn $ 19.12)

Would you feel this is a good value cd, or are we better to just buy the stock directly? As always, we value your opinion.

Read Answer Asked by Dawn on May 31, 2018
Q: Good morning. I own some kinder Morgan preferred shares - specifically - and would appreciate your assessment of how the takeover of the TMP by the Cdn. government might affect the valuation of those shares. I assume that these shares would still be the responsibility of Kinder Morgan and not the government. Also, do you sense any increased risk related to these shares given this development. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on May 29, 2018
Q: I am moving many of my fixed income investments from bond funds to preferred shares with a minimum guaranteed rate (yes I know the dividends are not guaranteed). I am trying to decide between TRP.PR.J and TRP.PR.K. Currently J yields 5.22% while K yields 4.73%. It appears J is the better choice. Do you agree? When would K be preferred if at all?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on April 10, 2018
Q: Peter and team

Thanks to member Walter, I have looked at a website that lists the U.S. preferred shares that trade on an American exchange. I realize that while U.S. stocks are not your focus are there any preferred shares that trade on an American exchange that you would recommend for an income investor? Are these p/s any more complicated than ones issued by Canadian companies ? I believe there are some companies on the TSX that have issued preferred shares that pay in U.S. $ and still are eligible for the Dividend Tax Credit. Are you familiar with any of these names?


Read Answer Asked by paul on April 09, 2018
Q: I recently sold ENB.PR.V which trades in the TSX . It is a USD pref that pays its dividend in USD. My question: do you have a list of USD denominated prefs that trade on the TSX? ( not including ENB issues)
As an aside to any body else with these sort of holdings in a taxable account: Be mindful of the T-5s these things generate. It is easy to miss the USD part, and enter( or download as of recent) the data into your software as CAD$. I did that, and CRA was not happy.
Thanks as always for your interesting perspective.
Read Answer Asked by Tim on April 04, 2018
Q: Just a comment: a complete list of US preferreds, with daily updates, can be found at
Read Answer Asked by Kurt W on April 03, 2018
Q: A few questions if I may:

1. I gather that Preferreds are becoming increasingly rare and that they are concentrated in financial stocks. Is that also true in the U.S.?
2. Is there a site that lists or focuses on Canadian Preferred shares, or similar in the U.S.?
3. In a gradually increasing interest rate environment I assume it then follows that Preferred share prices would be under downward pressure?

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Kim on April 03, 2018
Q: Peter and team,

In the current environment do you prefer rate reset or perpetual preferreds or is it better to own both for diversification? Which specific issues do you like in each category (high quality )
( I tried to send a related question a couple of minutes ago. Just delete it if received as I believe it never made it.)



Read Answer Asked by paul on April 03, 2018
Q: Gentlemen:
I notice some preferred shares have an option to convert to another issue and are also redeemable on the same day. Can you exercise the option or do they redeem them?
Thank you
Ken Beatty
Read Answer Asked by Ken on April 03, 2018
Q: I have held this stock for awhile, cost about equal to current price. Dividend suspended for reasons I could not follow after the price of the common dropped like a stone following Air Canada's withdrawl. I have no clue on how to do an objective analysis of this situation. I am not losing money, the potential gain is very good but the whole situation with the company is very murky. The easy out is to sell but if the company stabilizes itself or sells itself the potential gain is quite good. Given that the dividend on the preferred was stopped for what was described as legal reasons rather than cash flow reasons how does one assess the possibility of the dividend being restarted?
Read Answer Asked by Dennis on March 22, 2018