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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: My understanding is that both GH (Guardant Health) and BYND (Beyond Meat) of these are expensive stocks priced a lofty levels. However, based on the comments I have seen, 5i seems to be positive on GH but negative on BYND. I know these are different sectors and very different companies, but don't think you that the "expensive" label would apply to both?
Read Answer Asked by Mike on July 09, 2019
Q: My question is regarding Guardant Health. Would you consider this a good time to buy half a position considering it’s recent massive run up and then sell off? It’s always hard to gauge when to step in after such a drop... but there was finally a good day today there was a ton of volume and the stock was up over 4%. Any reason for the big drop? Was it just because the stock had run up so quickly? I have no issues with risk and have a long time frame. Sector is not a concern either.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on April 04, 2019
Q: Looking to purchase a position in something (sector or weight not important) with good growth potential over 2-5 years looking for both US and CDN opportunities. Two names popped up recently on my radar TRQ and Chemtrade . Realize that both are completely different and would like your opinion on both and recommendations of 3-4 alternatives. Feel free to deduct credits as required.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on March 15, 2019