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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Up until now, I have only part full or nearly full positions in a stock while trying to keep my total number of stocks under 30 in number. However, I am now considering taking a slightly different approach and buying a basket of some beaten-up stocks, likely from those noted above.

Since I am new to this strategy, my question is, what would you consider to be a useful percentage to devote to a stock that will allow for meaningful gains while limited individual risk? I'm thinking 1% is too little, 1.5% might be enough and certainly no more than 2%.

Your insight is appreciated.


Paul F.

Read Answer Asked by Paul on March 22, 2022
Q: Looking to add to staples. 1. Currently have COST and would be willing to add - at what price? 2. Please advise which Food and Beverage staples you would recommend based GARP/ total return. 3. For personal services, again on GARP/ total return how would you advise. Names listed simply for illustrative purposes, please advise with rationale for selection.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by sam on March 16, 2022