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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi group I have asked you at least 2x previously about selling CXI Your recommendation both times was to hold) in the meantime it has dropped 25% in the past yr. looking even weaker technically could easily fall to $20 range . Please analyze your previous recommendation to hold + give me the reasons as I fail to see a reason holding this stock any longer
Read Answer Asked by Terence on February 21, 2019
Q: Hi 5i team,
Following the release of their most recent quarterly results, and their share price drop (a couple of bucks), is CXI still a long term “kind of boring” buy?
Eps growth seems to take longer to happen then expected at first. Following yesterday’s conference call, do you find management’s narrative still credible regarding expenses control, being finished increasing fixed costs (hiring and systems), several sources of growth strategy (catalysts)?
Aside from liquidity, which does not bother me since my time horizon is fairly long (sell at the time management will sell the company), do you have any additional concerns (consumers going electronic/plastic faster than expected?)?
Thank you for your collaboration,
Read Answer Asked by Eric on January 25, 2019
Q: I know these companies span the financial category and they're not comparing apples to apples exactly but I'm looking to maintain stable dividend income and long term growth. Assuming equal weight except for IGM (much higher weight), would you recommend a weight shift? An addition/subtraction of position?
Read Answer Asked by Robert on September 24, 2018
Q: Hi 5i research team,
What could be the impacts of this news « Canadian banks at risk of losing access to key European currency exchange platform »  in monday’s Globe and Mail on CXI? Could you also comment on their recent acquisition from Laurentian bank? Is it good diversification of operations or are they speading their activities (because growth is lacking?)? Thank you for your collaboration, Eric
Read Answer Asked by Eric on July 24, 2018
Q: I am a multi-year owner of this company. I read your recent report and was surprised to see that Mawer owned such a large position (must have missed it previously). I consider them one of the better money managers out there so on the one hand, I consider their position a plus. But it does make wonder about a few things.

Is it common for a fund company to own such a significant position in a small cap name? CXI is a very thinly traded stock so how does Mawer exit other than through a takeover since selling out their position would likely decimate the stock price? Would this have been their plan all along or have they accumulated this position over the years suggesting they are believing in the story more and more? Would Mawer be an active or at least "very interested", party as to how the company is run? In sum, does having Mawer own so much change or affect how we should view this stock?

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on June 04, 2018
Q: Peter and Team:

After a year or so I am sitting even on CXI. I have been pleased with the recent run, and was surprised to see it downgraded in your report. I hope this doesn't result in a significant share price drop as we have seen in the past (how does it feel to be a market mover).

Anyhow I was wondering what you would think about a move to GC. There has been a really good run as of late (I was looking @ $32) but hopefully this is just the start. Your article on CSU was great and helps put things in perspective.

Thanks for all you do


Read Answer Asked by Phil on May 31, 2018