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  5. BEP.UN: In a year BEP. [Brookfield Renewable Partners L.P.]
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Q: In a year BEP.UN down 32.22 % , FTS down
3 .65 %. Why the difference; BEP.UN initially overpriced FTS “ underpriced “, green stocks way out of favour, etc? I own a fair amount of BEP.UN and do want to sell but if there is something fundamentally wrong with this company I don’t want to hold on until it’s a penny stock or something like AQN happens. I imagine Flatt and others are wringing their hands and hope they do something to improve the share price.
Thanks. Derek
Asked by Derek on October 02, 2023
5i Research Answer:

BEP.UN had earned quite a big valuation premium following a big run up in 'green' stocks and renewable energy stocks. It is down 18% YTD vs -7% for FTS. Certainly underperforming, but most in the sector are having a bad year. We do not see anything fundamentally worrying at BEP.UN other than higher interest rates, which of course is common to all companies. We commented on BEP this morning.