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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: With about a 7 year time frame before my grandchildren may need to start drawing money out of the RESP that I have for them, could you please suggest 4 or 5 stocks that don't necessarily need to "shoot the lights" out in performance but that are relatively safe and will provide an average plus return for this time period. Dividend payers/growers are fine with some added capital gains would be ideal.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Alan on June 22, 2014
Q: Hi guys,
I am wishing to add another position for my kids RESP. They have a 10 year time frame before the oldest may start needing the funds. Currently they hold cgx,esl,ipl,xeg,xfn,xre,xsu,mg,thi, in roughly equal parts. I am trying to balance diversification, with growth, some income and things that they may in time find interesting (thi and cgx). I am contemplating sj, key, or stn. What would you recommend or should I just keep adding to what they already have. Thank you for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Brent on May 21, 2014
Q: Peter and Team,

I am in the final throws of my decision to buy some Stella Jones stock. I understand from your report that they essentially profit from constructing some of the hard assets for rail roads (amoung other pressure treated wood products for tel-cos, utilities, etc.).

Focussing in on the rail part a bit, does this mean that they should see increased business for replacement ties, etc. as rail is used more and more heavily for shipping oil? It seems like this could act like a bit of a hedge to exposure to oil pipelines.

It seems like a good business (not sexy) and required business. I'd love your thoughts on what makes this thing grow.

Read Answer Asked by Marc on April 22, 2014
Q: hello 5i:
two questions, if I may:
#1: is a report on SJ still "in the works", and if so when do you expect to release. I have a small position and would like to add to it, but am waiting for the report.
#2. its been about 3 months since the last question on Canadian Western Bank. Can you update this, and give me a "back of the napkin" rating on it.
One comment: congrats on the Ryan Modesto acquisition lol. 5i not only picks good management of companies, they obviously try to lure the strongest to their team. PH and N is (or was, before the acquisition by RBC) a tremendously respected company that has delivered very good, stable, results to investors for many years. Ryan's experience and acumen should do nothing but add value to 5i. Good job Peter; in hockey talk, you got a first liner!
Read Answer Asked by Paul on February 28, 2014