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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: We purchased some share of H&R Reit in November. This morning it was announced that H&R have bid for the purchase of Primaris. Management claim that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity in Canada and that it will not increase the debt to buy. They also say that it will increase liquidity and growth of the company. The market seems to be negative about this news. What do you think of this deal?
Thanks to Peter and Team.
Read Answer Asked by john on January 17, 2013
Q: I see the Q/A regarding HR.UN acquiring Primaris... But I have a questions as to why HR.UN stock would start the day negative on what I would find positive news? I have seen this in a few other transactions with other stocks where my initial thoughts would be awesome , but more times than not the opposite happens - am i thinking wrong? Do you have any insights as to why this happens - I'm still learning...
Read Answer Asked by Philip on January 17, 2013