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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Ubisoft, Actvision Blizzard, Nintendo , all these gaming companies are gaining in value.

Are any of these good investments. There might be other related companies that maybe cheaper and may also gain in value. Just like to know your thoughts.

Thanks so much. Barry from Montreal
Read Answer Asked by Barry on October 16, 2017
Q: I am very interested in making a long term investment in the growth of gaming.Can you please provide some of your best investment ideas in this space. I know you like Nvidia but do you have a preference among the other companies that trade in either the us or ttwo etc.Is there an etf to buy that holds a number of these types of companies?
Thanks for the many many profitable trades!!!
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on February 06, 2017
Q: What are your thoughts on ATVI -- Activision Blizzard -- in terms of growth prospects and soundness of balance sheet. If it meets your approval, is this worth a full position in a portfolio -- which for me is 4%. ( I couldn't find any other mention in your archives, even though I was certain you had addressed this company's prospects at one time.) Thank you for you help. (Notwithstanding that this is NOT your area of focus, I always value your opinion.)
Read Answer Asked by Sylvia on October 06, 2016