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  5. CCO: Is it a good time to invest in Uranium? [Cameco Corporation]
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Q: Is it a good time to invest in Uranium? If yes, please recommend C$ and/or US$ etfs or stock(s) to do this.
Asked by William on December 21, 2023
5i Research Answer:

The sector has had a huge run but as governments adopt more nuclear exposure as the answer to clean energy, we do expect the trend will continue. The supply/demand curve still remains positive. CCO is the easy 'go to' name in the sector, being one of the world's largest producers. If an investor just wants general sector stock exposure though we would suggest URNM, giving exposure to 42 stocks. It has a 3.9% indicated yield and is up 36% annualized over the past three years. CCO is its biggest holding at 14%. At this time, we would prefer stocks to holding the metal directly, also via an ETF.