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Investment Q&A

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Q: Hi,

My question is on Intermap Technologies Corporation. The stock has had a big run lately and mainly due to a debt restructuring deal. Its ~34M of debt (which was crippling the company before) will be settled in this private placement for 1M dollars. Moreover, it's subscription business is growing which should provide a solid foundation for the company. With a few more contracts and the debt settled, this company should be EPS going forward. If so, the companies $190M NOL carry-forwards should convert to deferred tax asset (which would be larger than the market cap). Not to mention, its tangible and off-balance sheet assets...

What are you thoughts on this company going forward? Am I missing something in my analysis.. this stock still seems cheap (assuming the debt conversion takes place). I look forwars to your reply.
Read Answer Asked by Matt on July 27, 2020
Q: Hello,

My question is on Intermap Technologies. The company had issues with their former CEO and a failed contract which landed them into debt. A new CEO has taken over since Sept 2017. The company looks to be turning a corner with increasing revenue Y/Y and they are now generating positive cash flow. The past two quarters they have earned 11c EPS USD (7c Q3, 4c Q4). They company is trading less than 5x these two quarters. Company has 220M in NOL, plus I believe their combine tangable and Intangible assets are at least equal to long term (Interest free) debt and other liabilities.

I like the fact the company has a low share count of approx 16 so any good news could make this stock jump quickly. However, the volume and lack of interest concerns me.

Can I please have your thoughts on this company and why the "the street" is ignoring them?

Thank you! I look forward to your reply.

Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 06, 2018
Q: Intermap, IMP is a small Canadian mapping company that I own a small position in, as it is being touted quite heavily in another newsletter I subscribe to.

There's lots of talk about the mega deal they signed, how much of it will actually end up with IMP as profit, and whether they'll land another whale or two. Talking like $2 is reasonable...

Thoughts from 5i?
Read Answer Asked by Cameron on April 29, 2016