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5i Recent Questions
Q: I currently own a 3% total portfolio in international markets. I plan to raise my total international exposure to 10% from new money available. Do you think it is safe to do so. My U$ exposure is at 42%. No bonds, 7% in money markets.

I currently own XIN and ZWE for distribution. Is there overlap between VI, XEF and XIN? How would you proceed? Can you rank and propose what my options are among these ETFs with the % you would allocate to each 2 or3 ? I don't want EMs.

Thank you for your precious help. You've made me wonders since I use your services.

Read Answer Asked by Yves on June 17, 2024
Q: What do you think of AIM1517 for international exposure?

I have a couple of mutual funds left in my RRSP that I bought YEARS ago. I’m trying to decide if I should keep them or replace them with an ETF(s)? I currently hold XEC and XEF for international exposure. Is it worth keeping AIM1517 for international exposure, it’s 60%+ US stock so not sure how international it really is. Would something like XEC and XEF make more sense and provide better overall results? Is there a better ETF(s) I should be looking at for that goal?
Read Answer Asked by Raymond on June 11, 2024
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