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Q: Hi 5i,

Multiple related questions:

#1 - I believe the purchase of Encore Wire (WIRE) by Prysmian @ $290/share should be confirmed in the next few days. Do you know anything further about this?

#2 - Would you recommend selling WIRE at this time @ +/- $282/share or waiting for the deal to go through at $290/share? At what point after the sale are shareholders paid?

#3 - In looking for a like-minded company (electrification transition, green renewables etc.) I came across Atkore Inc. (ATKR). What are your current thoughts on this company for a 3 to 5 year hold?

#4 - Between MYRG, STRL, ATKR and PWR how would you rank them out of 10 (10 being the best) and in what order for a 3 to 5 year hold?

Thank you for your wisdom and guidance!
Read Answer Asked by Brian on May 15, 2024
Q: In any otherwise well diversified RIF portfolio I am considering exiting T and BEP.

I am looking to replace them with a couple of holdings that you feel have far greater upside in the next 3-5 years (realizing that the volatility may increase to some extent but in line with the potential for greater returns).

I have referred to several of your current favourites (which we do not currently hold) as potentials and am open to other suggestions you might have along the same lines.

If you could comment on the elimination of T and BEP and also if you believe any of the listed ones (or others ) would provide a substantially better risk/rewad profile over the next 3-5 years it would be appreciated.


Read Answer Asked by Terry on April 25, 2024
Q: Hi 5i,
It looks like Prysmian (from Italy) has made an offer to acquire Encore Wire @ $290.00/share. Encore has 35 days to shop around for other proposals. It also looks like there may be a lawsuit against the Board for failing to conduct a fair process.

What would be your recommendation at this point in the process? Sell or hold?

I was really hoping that this would be a long term hold.

If one were to sell what would be another similar company that you would recommend for a long term hold? Something in the "electrification" and renewables would be preferred.

I already own HPS, PWR, NXT which I suppose I could add to but I may have to trim HPS due to its run up.

How do you feel about MYR Group or Sterling Infrastructure?

Read Answer Asked by Brian on April 16, 2024
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