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Review of Questor Technology

NOV 22, 2016 - Clean air technology company with interesting products but it has simply become too small and volatile for most investors. Discontinuing coverage at a 'C' rating.

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Q: I never sold my position of Questor Technology (I guess I have a problem parting with my losers!!) It had a 20 percent bump in one day last month. There is chatter on stockhouse about maybe someone is accumulating to take this 'dog of a stock" private. Can you confirm how much cash is still on Questors balance sheet? My understanding is that the cash almost covers the current market cap. If so then a take private with a premium would still be cheap for the acquirer. How much per quarter would it cost questor to be listed on the venture exchange? Could taking this 'dog of a stock" private be viable if they could clean up a lot of S & G costs? Also if QST was taken private they could take the axe to upper management and also save some expenses. Right? So it could be a viable enterprise to a larger acquirer, right? I just can't see why this company can't get any traction in sales of equipment or contracts for rentals of their equipment. Apparently there is huge concern for the gases that are released with flaring of excess natural gas and, if you believe QST, they have a good solution to this problem. So why can't they get any sustainable contracts/sales? Is the concern over flaring gases just a lot of "hot air" talk and the truth is no one is going to do much to lower it? Or is Questor's solution really not that great or competitors have better options to solve this problem?Perhaps someone in the oil and gas industry who reads this question can comment since I don't really expect 5i research to have any intel on this problem.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on July 08, 2024
Q: Peter and His Wonder Team
I have to sell one of these stocks to meet my RIF withdrawal obligation for 2023. I have owned them all for years...CET is down; QST down more; QTRH up slightly. Of course since it is a RIF account there is no tax loss credit. So if you had to sell one...what do do think would be the best choice. Thanks for your opinion which is always objective and sobering which helps in my decision in which I take full responsibility.
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on January 29, 2024
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