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5i Recent Questions
Q: Can you provide your input on these REITS ?
Please sort them for buying first to least preferred.

Also, suggest which of these you wouldn't buy, if any ? and why ?
Read Answer Asked by Jabs on July 19, 2024
Q: Would appreciate your comments on their just-released quarter financials. Dividend back over 5% after this day's drop. Payout ratio of about 43%. I am wanting to own residential, but have been put off by the low dividends from most. This one is now looking good to me, but do you see any red flags here? Are there any others you might suggest (but please, with a reasonable dividend!)
Read Answer Asked by Paul on February 14, 2024
Q: Greetings:
It has been some time since a question has been asked about MRG.UN. I am looking for a replacement when my Tricon shares are taken from me!!!! Would you be so kind as to give me your opinion on: Growth expected, growth if any --past two years, even though price fell with advance in interest rates, analysts covering it. They have recently put an NCIB in place. Anything else you might think of. Multiple X cash flow. Any chance of a takeout? How does it compare to MRC and MRT.UN. Thanks, Ben.
Read Answer Asked by BEN on January 29, 2024
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