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Q: Hello Team,
I am newbie when it comes to understanding Bitcoin as a digital currency. But we continue to become more and more of a digital world.
I understand this year, the SEC approved ETFs that can be bought and sold on the exchange providing more options for liquidity. Is this also the case for Canada?
Do you believe Bitcoin would be reasonable investment holding as a small portion (say less than 10%) of an total portfolio.
Do you see a reasonable future /demand and use for bitcoin?
If yes, could you recommend 3 bitcoin ETFs that reasonable AUM and daily volumes
Thank you,

I understand there a number of questions here that require the use of more credits. That is fine and look forward, as usual to your respone.

Read Answer Asked by Dick on June 27, 2024
Q: I am retired and comfortable with the mix of stocks I have but with the increase in chatter about bitcoin I wonder if I am missing something. I have looked at bitcoin as a pyramid scheme and avoided it. Can you comment on its value and if you think is has any, maybe suggest some options to buy into this new commodity.
Read Answer Asked by Wayne on April 16, 2024
Q: Hi The focus on bitcoin these days I am surprised that I can’t find more questions or information about bitcoin and related cryptocurrencies on the 5i website.

I can’t help but wonder if I’m just not asking the right questions or looking in the right places.

If that’s the case, can you please direct me to the proper area so I can do some homework before making a commitment

On the other hand, if there isn’t anything currently available on your website, could you please tell me what your top three bitcoin purchases would be?

Addition, could I have your thoughts on Solana and Ethereum going forward

As always, thank you so much for your help. Much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on March 12, 2024
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