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Q: Hello Team,

Does any of the above garbage is worth keeping until the new year? Why? Bought them all at their highs, 3 years ago, and have lost 75-95% on each in a TFSA account. Was hoping that at least one of them would make me proud. What a mistake!

Would you put the proceed to FFH, or SHOP? Or would you suggest something else for a faster growth (yet somewhat safer, eg BLN). I am not hoping to make up for this disaster. It is just to invest for the long-term without losing what little is left of the original capital.

Have a good week everyone! :)
Read Answer Asked by Saeed on December 11, 2023
Q: Hi 5i,
I've owned VMC for a long time, long enough for it to have lost much of what I initially put into it, and the loss has been enough that there didn't seem to be any reason to sell to realize on what little was left.
So I still own it and now that it's showing some signs of life, and I wonder if there is anything sparking that other than the recently announced deal with Lafarge to supply a couple of electrified trucks - is there any justifiable reason to be optimistic that VMC might pick itself up off the floor, dust itself off and generate some return for long suffering owners such as myself?
I look forward to your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on July 31, 2023
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