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5i Recent Questions
Q: I find the dividend payment confusing for this ETF. Looking back at data over the last 4 years, i was expecting to see the dividend payment growing, What i found was that in 2018 the 4 dividend payments totaled .$1.15 ) 2019 - $1.32) 2020- $1.05) 2021- .82 cents. From a prior question on this ETF you mentioned they payed a $5.18 in capital gains distribution. Does this mean the fund sells the holdings at the end of the year and pays out the capital gains like a dividend?
Thanks Gord !
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on May 02, 2022
Q: Hi 5i
If unable to answer this Q that's okay.
Surprised at 7% price decline on VIGI - International Dividend ETF.

One Top holding in ETF is down 11% ( Novo nordisk) but that is all I can see.
It went X-Div today but the Annual Div is only 1% total.

Is there anything visible in your data that may reveal how in one day a 1/2 year of gains has been wiped out in a large cap Dividend ETF?
Current price is $US 82.58 down $US 6.12

Read Answer Asked by Dave on December 21, 2021
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