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5i Recent Questions
Q: Can you comment on its most recent Q please. Also, Ace Beverage has acquired Nude RTD beverage. There has also been some recent change to the board. Seems like much activity has been going on with this company relatively speaking. Can you comment on whether you see the recent Q, additional RTD acquisition of Nude has potential to
generate some growth or do you continue to view it as an income stock. Would you buy, sell or hold the stock. If sell what would you buy instead?
Read Answer Asked by John on May 22, 2024
Q: Can you comment on the company's most recent Q results. It seems the Ace Beverage acquisition is providing a good catalyst for top and bottom line growth but the stock price didn't seem to respond to this. I have held this patiently for several years and am wondering if more patience is warranted or if there is a better alternate you would suggest.
Read Answer Asked by John on February 09, 2024
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