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Review of WiLan Inc

NOV 17, 2015 - A shift in strategy, cut in dividend and confusing signals have led us to downgrade and drop coverage of WIN. There is some potential here based on valuation for patient, more speculative investors. Rating downgraded to 'C+'. Dropping coverage.

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Q: Peter and His Wonder Team
I have to sell one of these stocks to meet my RIF withdrawal obligation for 2023. I have owned them all for years...CET is down; QST down more; QTRH up slightly. Of course since it is a RIF account there is no tax loss credit. So if you had to sell one...what do do think would be the best choice. Thanks for your opinion which is always objective and sobering which helps in my decision in which I take full responsibility.
Read Answer Asked by Ernest on January 29, 2024
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