Market, Model Portfolio, and Report Updates!
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Investors often hear the term “private-equity approach in the public market,” however, few actually understand the meaning and power...
Investors are often confused when they see the balance sheet of a public company and its equity is a very tiny amount as a percentage of total...
2024 has been a very solid year for the equity markets due to a favourable macro backdrop of declining interest rates, a slowdown in inflation,...
A stable dividend income stream, despite any macro environment, is the dream of most investors. At the end of the day, it is not earnings or cash...
Maximizing shareholder value in a sustainable, socially acceptable way is one of the ultimate goals of management teams for public companies. In...
The TSE Index was up 5.65% in the month of July, up 10.27% YTD and 12.04 % over the past year. Canadian GDP was up 0.4% in the third quarter of...
Canadians love dividends, it is not only the culture but also an implied encouragement in the tax system which treats dividend income favourably...
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Canada’s version of the Magnificent 7, DOCCKS Late last year, in early November 2024,...
5i Research Weekly Rockets and Duds Welcome to week five of 5i Research's market ROCKETS...